August 2023
Online Prayer Services
Monday – Friday 7:00 – 8:00 AM
Online Prayer Services
Saturday 10:00 – 11:00 AM
From the beginning of Crosspoint Worship Center, we have made it a priority to seek God first in prayer. We do this collectively as a church in January and August through 21 Days of Prayer. These two months are intentional, as they begin new seasons of the year. Together, we faithfully seek God first, trusting in His power alone to create lasting impact in our lives, our church and our world.
During 21 Days of Prayer, we connect with daily prayer services for 21 consecutive days. At these services, we seek God through worship music, an encouraging message, personal prayer, and corporate prayer.
If you sense that God has more for your life, 21 Days of Prayer is a great place to start believing Him for all that He has for you. At the prayer services, you will put seeking God first into practice, and when you do this, He will start working on your behalf like never before. You will see a difference in your relationships, your work, your family and every area of your life. It is then that you will best be able to spread His love to others.
We would love for you to join us in January and August on Monday through Friday at 7:00 am and Saturdays at 10:00 am as we pray for the needs of our city, nation, families, and homes.
© 2015 - 2023 Crosspoint Worship Center
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